Windsor Lavender Farm located in Amelia, Virginia. We began this endeavor in 2020 after wanting to find ways to work our land and promote a self-sufficient way of life. In addition to growing lavender, we have ducks and chickens that produce fresh eggs, a few dwarf goats, and craft our own unique soap, candles, and distil lavender essential oil you can purchase on site at our barn store.
Windsor Lavender Farm would not have been made possible without the countless hours of help from our friends and family.
The Inspiration Behind The Name “Windsor”

Windsor Lavender Farm is not actually named after a location but lovingly named after our late dog “Windsor”, a pitbull mix rescue that had been with us since 2009 when he was rescued as a 1 year old.
Windsor, our “old man” had been an amazing companion and came with us to Amelia in 2017 before the start of our farm. We have been compelled and honored to immortalize our lavender farm with his name. 2008-2022
Why Lavender?

Lavender is a herb not commonly found in this part of the world due to our climate here in the south east United States being hot and humid. Lavender is much more commonly farmed in Mediterranean climates like France or, Northern California and Washington State here in the US.
Lavender farms are considered to be a little more exotic and rare here in Virginia compared to our vast soy, corn, cotton, and tobacco farms. We wanted to provide a more unique crop that we can invite friends, family, and visitors to experience in person.