Professional photography examples of Windsor Lavender Farm and Liberty Gals provided by Chris Beasley Photography.

Are you a photographer looking to do destination photo shoots on our farm?
- Casual/amateur cellphone photography is free and always welcome during regular operating hours.
- Professional photography/filming (anything utilizing DSLR, tripods, lighting, props, etc.) is only permitted with a reservation and must be scheduled in advance.
- Photography location fee: $30 per hour, or $100 for the day
- Payment may be made after appointment approval.
- The location fee includes access to the field, our 1940’s farm truck, and rustic barn store, all of which make great photo backdrops.
- Guests should arrive dressed/prepared for their shoots. Changing areas are not available. (Please contact us to request special accommodation if necessary. Additional fees may apply.)
- Your reserved time slot ensures that no other photographers will have access to the area during that time, and we will keep any visitors clear of the area. If you would like the farm to be closed during your reserved time for complete privacy (e.g. boudoir shoots) please let us know and this can be arranged.
- Reservations can be made at any time during regular opening hours (Tu, W, Th 10am-5pm / Fr, Sa 10am-7pm / Su 10am-3pm). Additionally, morning or evening shoots can be scheduled by request. Later time slots can be until 7pm (occasionally 8pm if we are available.)
- Lavender season is during the month of June. We are typically open during the first week of June until July 4th weekend.
- For updates on field condition please check our Facebook for “Daily Field Update” posts prior to making your reservation.
- To reserve your photography time slot please contact us at or on Facebook @WindsorLavender (at least 48 hours in advance.) We will confirm whether the requested time is available, at which time you will need to submit payment to reserve that time.
- During the Off Season (when lavender is not in bloom) the farm is still available for photography. During this time the location fee is a flat $30 for the day.
- Payment is due at time of booking.
- In case of rain/inclement weather, appointments can be rescheduled or may be refunded if cancellation is necessary. Refunds will not be issued for “no-shows” or cancellations for reasons other than weather.
- Windsor Lavender Farm has the right to cancel/reschedule any photo shoot reservation in case of emergency or farm operational situation. In such cases where rescheduling is not an option, all fees will be refunded.
- Windsor Lavender Farm has the right to refuse permission to any photographer/client.
- No photography of private residence/areas is allowed.
- Windsor Lavender Farm reserves the right to request use of photos for promotional purposes.
- Photographers and clients must sign Policies and Waiver prior to beginning the photo shoot.
- Photographers should have insurance sufficient to cover property damage and personal injury that may occur in the course of the photo shoot. Windsor Lavender Farm assumes no responsibility or liability for any such occurrences.
- Professional/Commercial Use (i.e. advertising/promotional materials, stock photos, marketing, publications, websites, public display): Windsor Lavender Farm must be credited as the location of the image.